How equipment, management and Environmental Practices play important role to level-up the ASEAN spa industry

(TITC) – An establishment with well equipment, aligned management procedures and balance environment practices will improve its competitive capability within the industry.

5. The Equipment

5.1. Suitability

Each area of the spa shall be equipped with the suitable and appropriate tools and operational equipment necessary for the efficient and professional deliverance of services.

5.2. Maintenance

All specialised equipment shall be maintained in accordance with supplier manual and kept in good repair.

5.3. Safety

5.3.1 All specialist equipment shall be used in accordance with the supplier manual.

5.3.2 Any equipment that shall be used by clients shall have instructions for its safe usage clearly displayed.

5.4. Legal Conformance

All specialist or specialised equipment shall be legally certified for use in the spa if required by local laws.

5.5. Cleanliness

All equipment of the spa, whether in staff or guest areas, shall be kept hygienically clean and orderly at all times.

6. Management

6.1. Management

6.1.1 Top management of the establishment shall appoint a Spa Manager, to ensure that the services fulfil the agreed quality levels described in this standard.

6.1.2 Top management shall have and shall adhere to a professional code of conduct in keeping standard practices.

6.2. Quality system documentation

6.2.1 A quality system document shall detail service standards and shall be used in the training of staff. Such document shall include but not be limited to;

6.2.2 Arrival procedures

6.2.3 Reservations procedures

6.2.4 Guest handling procedures

6.2.5 Billing & Payment procedures

6.2.6 Retail & Merchandising protocols & procedures

6.2.7 An example of all forms used in the spas operation

6.2.8 Guest feedback procedures

6.2.9 The quality system document shall be stored at the spa and be accessible by all staff at all times.

6.3. Services Protocol Manual

A quality service protocol manual shall detail service protocols, techniques, products and equipment used in the deliverance of services and shall be used in the training of spa staff. The manual shall also detail any indications or contra-indications as may be applicable. The document shall be stored at the spa and accessible by all staff at all times.

6.4. Human Resource Management

6.4.1 Employee Manual – Top management shall prepare and maintain an employee manual detailing all employee benefits and expectations of employee conduct or the ramifications of non conformance.

6.4.2  Recruitment/Hiring – Top management of the establishment shall define the job description for staffs according to the position and in keeping with standard business practice and local labour laws.

6.4.3 Remuneration – Top management shall remunerate all employees in a fair and equitable manner abiding by local labour laws which may be in force or generally accepted.

6.5. Security management

6.5.1 Top management shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the security of clients and their possessions during their time at the spa.

6.5.2 Top management shall take all reasonable measures to secure the privacy of clients before, during or after their time at the spa.

6.5.3  The establishment shall have a documented emergency plan defined in accordance with legal requirements and clearly displayed in the staff area.

6.5.4 Emergency Exits shall be clearly marked and kept free of obstacles of any kind.

6.5.5  All staff shall wear name badges or similar identification devices.

6.5.6 Top management shall take all reasonable measures to prevent any form of sexual harassment of staff.

6.6. Communications

6.6.1 Top management shall establish an effective internal communication system, so that all staff members are always informed of the result of the services and the degree of client satisfaction.

6.6.2 The system shall ensure that all suggestions and comments from staff members are analysed and responded by top management.

6.7. Marketing Plan

6.7.1 The establishment shall have a documented marketing plan, detailing all planned marketing activities and the budget and anticipated return of such activities.

6.7.2 The Marketing Plan shall be regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with changes in circumstances, staffing or business levels.

6.8. Emergency Plan

All the staff shall be aware of the action plan in the case of clinical emergencies. Among others, telephone numbers for the closest ambulance services, welfare centres and hospitals shall be easy to access.

6.9. First-Aid       

A first-aid kit containing appropriate supplies shall be maintained at Reception and in the Staff waiting area. Larger spas may have additional kits.

6.10. Liability Insurance

The establishment shall maintain an appropriate level of business insurance including public liability and third party property insurance, or as may be legally required. If it is not compulsory, it is also recommended that the spa shall carry professional indemnity insurance for all spa service staff where available.

6.11. System review

Top management shall implement a management system review, including an internal audit, evaluation and other processes for staff, client, product, equipment and business practises as may be deemed appropriate to ensure professional and effective business management.

7. Environmental Practices

7.1. Environmental Policy

The spa shall have a responsible and implementable environmental policy which is known to and understood by all staff.

7.2. Products

The spa shall not add to the water, soil or air any product, pollutants or substances which could be considered harmful to the environment.

7.3. Cleaning

It is recommended all cleaning products used in the establishment shall be natural, organic and bio-degradable.

7.4. Linens

It is recommended all new towelling and linens used shall be made from organic, sustainable or renewable materials and shall have been manufactured using nontoxic means.

7.5. Manuals and Brochures

All manuals and brochures shall be on paper made from farmed trees or have been recycled.

7.6. Packaging

All packaging materials, professional or retail, shall be minimal and bio-degradable or able to be reused or recycled.

7.7. Gardens

7.7.1 The gardens if existing, shall be designed using only those plants or materials which are naturally grown locally.

7.7.2 The spa shall utilise only natural, organic or non-toxic fertilizers in the gardens.

7.8. Electricity

7.8.1 Subject to location and wherever practical, consideration has been given for the implementation of the use of alternative electrical savings via solar, wind or other environmentally sensitive means.

7.8.2 All light bulbs are recommended to be the compact energy saving style.

7.8.3 Light switches shall all be on dimmers except where deemed necessary for safety or safe working practices.

7.8.4 The spa shall install timer switches, motion sensitive or solar lighting for all exterior lighting and shall not operate external lighting of any kind when the establishment is not operational except that which is deemed necessary for reasons of safety.

7.9. Water

7.9.1 Water features if utilised shall be placed such that any evaporation shall be minimal, and or shall assist with the natural cooling of the establishment.

7.9.2 Spa managers and staff shall have full knowledge of the volume of water used in each spa service, and shall minimize this where practical.

7.9.3  It is recommended aerators or flow restricted faucets and showers shall be installed.

7.9.4 It is recommended duel flush toilets and or other water utilization minimization technology shall be installed.

7.9.5 Subject to location, local government health regulations and wherever practical, consideration shall be given to the recycling of water that is used in the spa.

7.10. Garbage

The establishment shall sort all garbage and dispose of or recycle it in an appropriate manner.

7.11. Community

The establishment shall remain sensitive to the existing local culture and shall continue to add value to the lives of the local communities where practical.

7.12. Remote, Isolated or Wilderness Location For spas that are established after the implementation of this standard and are located in a defined remote, isolated or wilderness location, shall also confirm to this additional standard:

7.12.1 To promote, develop and/or pioneer new and innovative ecological initiatives which protect and sustain the environment of the spa establishment.

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