ASEAN Spa Services Standard Regulation for Assessment and Certification

(TITC) – This regulation shows the steps and the detail of each step in assessment and certification from the initial certification, the surveillance, and the assessment for recertification in ASEAN Spa Services Standard.

Thereby, the entity that intends to apply for certification in ASEAN Spa Services Standard shall fill out the details in the application form for certification in ASEAN Spa Services Standard which QTWG determines as shown in Appendix A and prepare the supporting documents for applying for certification. Before NTO receives the application from the applicant, it shall be ensured that the details relating to the applicant and the supporting documents for applying for certification are correct and complete. In case the supporting documents are not complete, the absent documents shall be specified in the application for certification for checking and following the absent documents for completeness. NTO will send the applicant’s application and supporting documents to the inspection body that the applicant selects for auditing ASEAN Spa Services Standard.

The entity that intends to apply for certification in ASEAN Spa Services Standard shall conduct initial self-assessment by using the audit checklist as shown in Appendix E and initially evaluate the score. Then this document shall be submitted to the inspection body. The inspection body shall verify the details of the initial self-assessment result and the applicant’s evaluation of the score, including the information that the applicant filled out in the audit checklist to plan for assessment.

The procedure of Assessment for Certification includes 4 steps as follows: 1) Appointing the inspectors; 2) Evaluating the supporting documents of the application and establishing the audit plan; 3) Auditing the service and the implementation according to the requirements of ASEAN Spa Services Standard at the premise; 4) Evaluating the audit result and preparing the audit report.

The period of assessment depends on the employees in the applicant’s premise, the number of shifts, working time, area of the premise, and the requirements of ASEAN Spa Services Standard, size and the complexity of the activity, the relevant regulations, outsourcing the external organizations in implementing activities under the scope of ASEAN Spa Services Standard, any previous audit results, the type of certification, the number of members in inspector team.

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