ASEAN MICE Venue Assessment Guidelines to achieve Physical standards

(TITC) – ASEAN MICE Venue Assessment Guidelines refer to the scorecard that the members of the National Assessment Committee will use in ‘assessing’ MICE venues. The Assessment Guidelines follow the 55 major criteria of the ASEAN MICE Venue Standards with an identification of methods of assessment and evidence.

Table 1 below summarizes the methods of assessment and evidence used in assessing MICE venues.

Table 1. Methods of Assessment & Evidence

Methods of AssessmentEvidence
InterviewInterview records
Document ReviewRelated documents
InspectionPhotographs and/or written comments
Physical (P)
TypeMajor Criteria Requirements & ScoringMethod of Assessment & Evidence Score Obtained
Exhibition Hall Type 1Exhibition Hall Type 2     Comments
Exhibition Hall Physical Setting & Functions
P01 – The condition and cleanliness of exhibition hall   There is no obstacle on the ceiling or roof structure at the height of 8-12 meters (for Type 1 Exhibition Hall) and 5-7 meters (for Type 2 Exhibition Hall).Floors, walls and ceilings of the exhibition hall are wellkept. Free of dust, waste and stain  Exhibition Hall is free of unpleasant smell.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P02 – Hoisting and Rigging   There are weight limit notifications at positions prepared for hoisting and riggings.  There is a layout showing hoisting and rigging positions  Annual inspection or maintenance documents are present.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
Exhibition Hall’s Compound
P03 – Pre-functional Area   Well-kept and wellorganized.  There is lighting lamp(s) installed.  There are sufficient power outlets.  Adequate air condition, circulation and ventilation system3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 2 requirements 0 Complete less than 2 requirementInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P04 – Reception and Registration Area  Well-kept and wellorganized.  The area is located in front of the exhibition hall entrance.  There are sufficient power outlets.  There is permanent and visible sign of the area.  There is a PA System. 3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
 P05 – Meeting Room Exhibition Hall Type 1  Well-organized and clean permanent room.  The room is located closed to the exhibition hall.  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Sufficient chairs and tables.  High Speed Wi-Fi services are available.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
 Exhibition Hall Type 2  Well-organized and clean set-up area.  The area is located closed to the exhibition hall.  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Sufficient chairs and tables.  High Speed Wi-Fi services are available.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
 P06 – VIP Reception Room Exhibition Hall Type 1   Well-kept and wellorganized permanent room.  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Private restrooms available.  Sufficient chairs and tables or sofas.  High Speed Wi-Fi services are available3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
 Exhibition Hall Type 2  Well-kept and wellorganized set-up area  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Sufficient chairs and tables or sofas.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
 P07 – Press Room Exhibition Hall Type 1  Well-organized and clean permanent room.  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Sufficient chairs and tables or work stations.  Sufficient office supplies are available for users.  High Speed Wi-Fi services are available.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
 Exhibition Hall Type 2   Well-organized and clean set-up area.  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Sufficient chairs and tables or work stations.  Sufficient office supplies are available for users.  High Speed Wi-Fi services are available.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P08 – Prayer’s Room3 There is a permanent space or a space that can be set up, separated for males/females with appropriate facilities 2 The space can be set up, separated for males/females with some facilities 1 The space can be set up and separated for males/females 0 The space cannot be set up for prayer roomsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P09 – Support for participants with disabilities3 There are sufficient facilities supporting participants with disabilities. There are staff who are trained to provide services to disabled meeting participants. 2 There are sufficient facilities supporting meeting participants with disabilities 1 There are minimum facilities supporting meeting participants with disabilities 0 There are no facilities supporting meeting participants with disabilitiesInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P10 – Food Service Area  There is a set-up area in providing food service for participants  The area is well organized, clean and well-kept  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Adequate air circulation and ventilation system.  Sufficient area for food preparation with basic amenitie.  In case needed, a list of suppliers on food services can be provided.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 5 requirements 1 Complete 4 requirements 0 Complete less than 4 requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
Public Area
P11 – Accessibility  There is an accessible road connecting to the venue to facilitate ease of traffic  There are more than one entry-exit routes to/from the venue to the public road  There is an access to the exhibition venue from a public transportation service3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P12 – Signs and Signage  Permanently installed  Installed in clearly visible locations and in an orderly manner  There are digital signs available  Display in English message(s)3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 2 requirements 0 Complete less than 2 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P13 – Main Entrance Sign  Situated in a clearly visible area.  There is sufficient lighting.  Permanent and stable.  Annual inspection or maintenance documents are present.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 2 requirements 0 Complete less than 2 requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
P14 – Restrooms amenities & facilities ASEAN Public Toilet Standard 3.2 Amenities & Facilities  Appropriate space for each unit.  Provision of adequate facilities for disabled and elderly.  Provision of adequate units/cubicles for ladies and men. Sufficient amenities provisions such as tissue, soap, etc.  There is a nursing and/or family room.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 2-3 requirements 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P15 – Smoking Zone3 There is a smoking room, complies with relevant laws. The area is functional. 2 There is a smoking zone and complies with relevant laws 1 There is a smoking area but does not comply with relevant laws 0 There is no smoking areasInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P16 – Drop-off Area  It is located close to the exhibition venue entrance.  There is a well-kept cover/shade in this area.  There are clear and visible sign display3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P17 – Participant Parking Area  There are parking spaces for different types of vehicles.  There are handicapped parking spaces.  Traffic and safety signs and symbols are clearly displayed.  CCTV cameras are installed, or security officers are present at parking areas.  In case there is no or insufficient parking area, other areas can be used as reserved parking areas with comparable safety standard.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P18 – Traffic Management during Exhibition  There is systematic traffic management plan  There is dedicated staff responsible for traffic management  There is a separated traffic route for participants and cargo  There is a policy to inform surrounding residents about the exhibition traffic.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 2 requirements 0 Complete less than 2 requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
P19 – Water & Sanitary System  There are water distribution points in good conditions.  There is a proper wastewater drain meeting local standard.  Annual inspection or maintenance documents are present.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
P20 – Water Reservation System  The water reservation system has well-kept storage.  The system is in compliance with the local law.  Annual inspection or maintenance documents are present.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
Safety/Security/Emergency Facilities
P21 – Safety Equipment  There are CCTV cameras and controlling room, with staff present for the entire time.  The venue has a policy on CCTV playback.  There is smoke or heat detecting equipment.  There are fire sprinklers.  Fire extinguishers or fire hoses are properly located for convenient use.  Alarms are clearly visible.  Annual inspection or maintenance documents are present.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 5-6 requirements 1 Complete 3-4 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
P22 – Emergency, Safety and Security for Exhibition Hall  Emergency equipment, fire exits & evacuation route must be in compliance to local law.  Fire exit signs are present in permanent and well-kept conditions.  There is a clearly visible sign board containing a fire-fighting and fire escape instruction.  Sufficient amount of security guards in the main entrance to the exhibition hall and venue as well as prefunctional areas  Sufficient amount of CCTV or other security devices in the key areas of the exhibition hall and venue as well as pre-functional areas  Annual inspection or maintenance documents are present.  There is an evidence of an annual fire drill practice.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 6 requirements 1 Complete 5 requirements 0 Complete less than 5 requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
P23 – First aid room and nursing staff3 There is a full-time or temporary nurse/qualified staff available during the event, with a first aid room 2 There is a full-time or temporary nurse/qualified staff available during the event, with some first aid kits 1 There is no full-time or temporary nurse/qualified staff available during the event. Only some first aid kits available. 0 No full-time or temporary nurses/staff during the event and/or there is no first aid kit/no first aid roomInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
P24 – Crowd Management & Evacuation Procedures  Layout for exhibition venue is available.  Layout for exhibition hall is available.  Emergency evacuation plan is developed.  There is an evidence of training for staff on crowd management & evacuation procedures3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 2 requirements 0 Complete less than 2 requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
P25 – Insurance Policy3 The insurance policy is active and are clearly stated in the issued contract. 0 The insurance policy is inactive.Document review Related documents  
P26 – Maintenance  There is a dedicated department on Venue Maintenance  Maintenance plan is developed  There is an evidence of inspecting, reporting and improving the venue’s facilities and equipment3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsDocument review Related documents  
Organizer’s Access to Exhibition Hall
P27 – Cargo Vehicle Parking Area  There is a queuing system for cargo vehicle parking.  There is a facilitation system for loading and unloading of cargo.  Staff(s) is present to coordinate or provide assistance.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection & Document review Photograph and/or written comments & Related documents  
 P28 – Cargo Loading Area (Cargo Elevator is required in case the exhibition hall is located on a floor without cargo parking area). Exhibition Hall Type 1  There is at least one cargo loading door per Exhibition Hall. If the hall is dividable into rooms, the number of loading doors must be equal to the number of divided rooms.  The cargo loading door and elevator must be in a well-kept and safe condition.  There are both lighting and air ventilation systems available.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
 Exhibition Hall Type 2  There is at least one cargo loading door per Exhibition Hall. If the hall is dividable into rooms, the number of loading doors must be equal to the number of divided rooms.  The cargo loading door must be in a well-kept and safe condition.  There are both lighting and air ventilation systems available.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P29 – Organizer’s Room  Well-organized and clean.  The room is located closed to the exhibition hall.  Equipped with air conditioning, light and power outlets.  Sufficient chairs and tables.  High Speed Wi-Fi services are available.3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 4 requirements 1 Complete 3 requirements 0 Complete less than 3 requirementsInspection Photograph and/or written comments  
P30 – Event Set-up Period for Organizer3 There is a set-up policy and organizers are well informed. 0 There is no policy and organizers are not allowed to access for a set-up before the eventDocument review & Interview Related documents & Interview records  
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