ASEAN MICE Venue Standards (AMVS): How to meet Service(s) criteria and requirements

(TITC) – Service refers to services provided for the meeting purpose. This includes the coordination of the staff of the venues with the organisers as well as the venue’s service improvement process. Quality of staff as well as environmental protection/community are also included.

AMVS’s Service(s) criteria and requirements as follow:

CriteriaRequirements & Scoring
Coordination & Service Improvement
S01 Advanced-booking service There is an on-line comprehensive information on the types and floorplan of meeting rooms  There is an on-line comprehensive information on the availability of meeting rooms  There is a salesperson in handling client’s queries The salesperson is knowledgeable and is able to provide advice on floor plan and meeting packages suitable for the client’s needs  There are variety of payment methods3 Complete 5 requirements 2 Complete 3-4 requirements 1 Complete 1-2 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S02 Service to organizers3 There is a dedicated team of staff to respond to the organizers and handle all issues as a one-stop service when there incidents 2 Organizers need to contact 2-3 channels when there are incidents 1 Organizers need to contact a number of parties when there are incidents 0 Organizers do not know whom to contact when there are incidents
S03 Complaints & service evaluation of the buyers and/or organizers  There are appropriate channels in receiving complaints and customer feedback  There is a system in handling customer complaints and customer feedback  There is a motivation/incentive system for staff to prevent complaints3 Complete 3 requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements 
S04 Staff personality  Uniforms are professionalStaff are neat and tidy  Staff are friendly3 Complete 3 requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S05 General knowledge & understanding of venue staff Knowledge & understanding about their job description and duties  Knowledge & understanding about the meeting industry and meeting activities  Knowledge & understanding about the venues and the organization  Knowledge & understanding about different backgrounds & needs of meeting participants and organizers3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 1-2 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S06 F&B service  Staff are able to create or adapt the menu to suit with the requirements of the meeting  Staff are able to create or adapt the menu by using local ingredients  Staff is able to produce high volume of refreshments and meals within the time and requirements of the event  The tea set/coffee set/dinner set are appropriate  There is clean drinking water available for meeting participants  Food service staff are well trained and knowledgeable3 Complete 5-6 requirements 2 Complete 3-4 requirements 1 Complete 1-2 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S07 Foreign language skills of staff  Most staff can communicate in English  Some of the staff can communicate in third language  There are on-going language training program for staff both full-time and temporary3 Complete 3 requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S08 Respect to the difference of races, religions, cultures, genders and ages  There are signs in local and English language  The preparation of foods is able to accountable for different needs of meeting participants  The staff is aware of differences in races, religions and cultures  There is a equality policy for staff in providing service to meeting participants3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 1-2 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S09 Staff performance on service quality  There is a systematic recruitment procedures both for full-time and temporary staff  There is an appropriate orientation and training for full-time and temporary staff in response to the local law  There is an monitoring system for new hires and temporary staff  There is an appropriate performance management for full-time and temporary staff3 Complete all requirements 2 Complete 3 requirements 1 Complete 1-2 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S10 Compensation, benefits and welfare for staff  Compensation, benefits and welfare are provided in accordance with the local labor’s law  There is an annual staff health check  In compliance with the local law, there is an encouragement to hire local staff to work with the organization3 Complete 3 requirements 2 Complete 2 requirements 1 Complete 1 requirement 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
Environmental Protection & Community
S11 Environmental protection system ASEAN Green Hotel Standard 1.1 Environmental policy and actions for hotel operation 1.1.1 Promotion of environmental activities in order to encourage the involvement of hotel staff, clients and suppliers to participate in environmental management practices. 1.1.2 Existence of plan for raising staff to be aware of environment i.e. training. 1.1.3 Existence of environmental management plan for hotel operation. 1.1.4 Existence of monitoring program for environmental management of hotels3 Complete 4 requirements, with an adaption of guidelines to be applicable to the meeting room 2 Complete 3 requirements, with an adaption of guidelines to be applicable to the meeting room 1 Complete 1-2 requirements 0 Unable to meet any of the requirements
S12 Waste handling3 There is a training for staff for waste handling and the process is complying to the local law 2 The process is complying to the local law 1 There is a process but it is not complying with the local law 0 There is no waste handling process
S13 Consideration for the surrounding community3 There are regular activities and organization’s policy that support surrounding community 2 There are some activities or organization’s policy that support surrounding community 1 There are very limited activities or organization’s policy that support surrounding community 0 There is no activities or organization’s policy that support surrounding community

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