(TITC) – Member states of ASEAN region ready their property competitive and are able to join hands in providing quality MICE venues to the visitors, making ASEAN a competitive MICE region based on the ASEAN MICE Venue Standards Guidelines can be able to apply for the assessment and audit to gain the certification.
Auditing Procedures
The National Assessment Committee in assessing and auditing MICE venues will require to comply with the procedures as follows.
Procedure 1: Application Check & Audit Preparation
After receiving the application package (an application form and the self-assessment
report), the committee meets to review if the application is complete and meets the pre
requisite entry requirements. The committee also agrees on the date & time for an audit
Advise to the applicant on the date & time of audit in written format, signed by the
Chairman of the National Assessment Committee
In case this is a reassessment application, the review of the corrective action forms will be done at this stage.
Procedure 2: An Audit
At the MICE venue, the committee starts the auditing process by reiterating the purpose of the visit and the audit procedures.
The committee will discuss the application package with all necessary details with the applicant.
The committee needs to sign on Members of National Assessment Committee Audit Attendance on the date and time of an audit.
Procedure 3: An Assessment
The committee will conduct an assessment by an interview, an inspection or a document review as stipulated in the AMVS Assessment Guidelines of this manual. The committee should refer to the Audit Form in the appendix of this manual.
The committee will need to collect an evidence which can be interview records (as well as names and positions of the interviewees), photographs or written comments and related documents.
The committee will score with the lowest score of 0 (zero) and the highest score of 3 (three).
If this is a reassessment, the committee will reassess only issues which are required to.
An assessment must end with a discussion of the result, particularly major criteria gaining low scores. The committee may ask and discuss with the applicant at this stage to clarify the issues. The Chairman of the National Assessment Committee must conclude the visit and inform the timeline of communicating the result to the applicant. At this stage, the Chairman, after the consensus of the committee, will issue An On-Site Audit Report & Corrective Action Form to the applicant.
Procedure 4: An Audit Report
After the assessment is over, the committee must meet to conclude the score. If the applicant scores more than 75%, the MICE venue will be proposed for certification. If not, the corrective action form and comment will be filled and sent to the applicant. The applicant should be advised of the process of a reassessment.
The audit report will comprise of
o A final scorecard, with an average score of each major criteria from all members of the National Assessment Committee
o Records reviewed/people interviewed/photographs o Information on what was addressed and what was found
o Corrective statement (if any)
o Statement of confidentiality of the report
o Summary of any obstacles encountered during the on-site Audit.
· At this stage, the committee has to prepare the Audit Report to be submitted to the Government Tourism Organization (National Level) or equivalent for an endorsement of a qualified applicant to be awarded AMVS.
· After the venue is certified, it is suggested that the National Assessment Committee may consider to conduct at least one interim audit to ensure a compliance of the certified venue to the AMVS.
Besides the Self-Assessment Report of MICE Venue Application for ASEAN MICE Venue Standards, here is the AMVS Application Form to fill:

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