Efforts to recover the international tourist market

Khanh Hoa Province tourism is making efforts to connect, promote and restore the international tourist market.

Tourists from Kazakhstan in Khanh Hoa

In recent days, Khanh Hoa has continuously welcomed tourists flying directly from Kazakhstan. From now to the end of December, each week the province is expected to receive 4 flights from Almaty (Kazakhstan) to Cam Ranh. 

Currently, Korea is still Khanh Hoa’s largest tourist market with more than 100,000 visitors from Korea during the past ten months (accounting for 52.6% of the total number of international visitors to Khanh Hoa).

The province has also stepped up promotion and advertising activities to deeply and strongly recover the international tourist market in the last months of 2022 and in 2023. Latest, October 27, the provincial Department of Tourism, the provincial Department of Foreign Affairs and Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City jointly organized an online conference on Indian travel tastes. At the conference, Indian travel agencies highly appreciated the attractiveness of Khanh Hoa tourism for Indian tourists. “Khanh Hoa is one of the localities with great tourism potential that is of great interest to Indians. Many Indian tourists want to relax in Vietnam and learn about the traditional culinary culture of Vietnamese people in the near future. However, it is necessary to have a direct flight soon to promote the number of Indian tourists to Khanh Hoa and vice versa”, said Vikram – Managing Director of My Tour Box Company.

Meanwhile, from October 23 to 29, a delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee (with the participation of many tourism businesses) led by Nguyen Tan Tuan – Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee visited and worked in Ulsan and Seoul (Korea). At the Ulsan – Khanh Hoa tourism cooperation seminar, Nguyen Tan Tuan shared about policies to encourage and attract investment in the province’s tourism sector; the diversification and improvement of the quality of tourism products on an international level; tourism products of entertainment, ecology, community, spiritual culture, healing, adventure… He hoped that the tourism management agencies, tourism enterprises of Ulsan builds attractive tours and routes to bring visitors to Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa and pick up guests from Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa to Ulsan.

Regarding tourism promotion, Le Huu Hoang – Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee said that the province is developing a strategy to stimulate tourism demand in the province in 2022-2023 with a vision to 2030 by developing destinations and communication. In the coming time, the provincial People’s Committee will work with the embassies of other countries to coordinate and organize more online promotion and advertising activities to expand the international tourist market to Khanh Hoa.

According to a report of the provincial Department of Tourism, by the end of October, the province is estimated to welcome nearly 2.3 million visitors (an increase of nearly 365% compared to 2021), including nearly 2.1 million domestic tourists and nearly 190,000 international visitors. The number of international visitors is much lower than that before the Covid-19 epidemic (in 2019, Khanh Hoa welcomed more than 3.5 million international visitors).

Xuan Thanh

Source: Khanh Hoa News – baokhanhhoa.vn/english

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