ASEAN Clean Tourist City Standard promote cleanliness

(TITC) – Cleanliness is core indicator of ASEAN Clean Tourist City Standard. It refers to clean and sanitary environment at tourist sites, hotels, restaurants, public places…etc., including the quality of air, drinking water, and the liquid and solid waste collection and management system.

The public gathering place is a place where many people can make mutual interrelationship. The cleanliness along the public is reliant on individual behaviour and the attention to take care of that place. Besides, the cleanliness along the public gathering places is an important factor affecting the common welfare of all people. In fact, the cleanliness along the public gathering places significantly contributes to improve their living standards and the urban beauty, which is an unavoidable requirement for tourists.

In cleanliness indicator, take into consideration the cleanliness along the public gathering places such as the public buildings, information centres, green areas, commercial centres, resorts and parks, the main roads, and the public toilets, etc.

It will focus on the reality of common views along the public gathering places of the cities and measures the limitation of the attention to the municipal authority’s cleanliness. In general, the urban visitors as well as the general public are attracted with the appearances of their visiting places. And this is also the condition to enhance each urban prestige.

Cleanliness indicator includes cleanliness of public area, cleanliness of public toilets, cleanliness of tourist sites, and cleanliness along the main roads.

Cleanliness of public area is an important indicator to convey a positive message to tourists as well as to local people and the private sector. The cleanliness of all public areas and buildings, green areas, markets, stations, information centres… should be assessed by the local authorities and sanctions put in place to enforce the rules. The extent of appropriate equipment such as the number of dustbins in public areas should be evaluated and the frequency of maintenance should also be referred to.

Cleanliness of public toilets refers to the number of public toilets at tourist sites in the city, the frequency and quality of their maintenance.

Cleanliness of tourist sites (museums, temples, parks, beaches etc.…) evaluates whether there are enough rubbish bins at tourist sites, the frequency of the collection and disposal of garbage and the general cleanliness and maintenance of the area surrounding the sites. A reference to sanctions for not abiding by the rules should be made.

Cleanliness along the main roads assesses the conditions along the main roads within the city as well as from one city to another, whether they are regularly cleaned and if the appropriate equipment is available (i.e. rubbish bins at regular interval…).

Below is the table of assessment on detail indicator of cleanliness:

CLEANLINESSRequirement of major
CriteriaEvidences for criteriaAppraisalScore
1.Cleanliness of
public area
Does the city assess and
maintain regularly the
cleanliness of public areas?
How often do the city authorities clean
public areas?
Prove that the city is cleaning its
public areas regularly (existence
of the authority in charge of
maintenance, schedule of cleaning
activity, missions, staffs, and
Less than
Up to or
more than
(At least
50% to get
a score)
  Is public furniture (public benches, lighting,
bus shelters, etc.) maintained and regularly
Prove that the city is cleaning its
public furniture regularly (existence
of the authority in charge of
maintenance, schedule of cleaning
activity, missions, staffs, and
  Are there sufficient public dustbins in public
Provide a map of public areas
indicating the presence of public
dustbins and specify the total
number: at least one dustbin on
each entry of public building; two
dustbins per square; one dustbin
every 200m along the walkway and
in parks.
  Are these regularly emptied?Provide detailed schedule of how
often dustbins are emptied per day
  Are public buildings properly signposted?Provide a map indicating public
buildings and the signposts
showcasing its locations
2.Environmental regulationsAre environmental
regulations being
implemented in the city?
Do environmental regulations controlling the
operation of tourism businesses exist?
Prove the existence of
environmental regulations
controlling the operation of tourism
  Are these enforced in the city?Prove the presence of measures
aimed at enforcing environmental
regulations in the city and
evidences of implementation
(reports shall be provided)
3.PollutionDoes the city fight against
Have water quality norms been set by the
Prove the existence of authorities’
decision on water quality
(freshwater, seawater, drinking
water) control and norms
  Are these enforced in the city?Provide list of measures taken by
relevant authorities to control water
quality norms
  Is water quality in the city within set norms?Provide the schedule and results of
the water quality check approved
by relevant authorities
  Have air quality norms been set by the
authorities in the city?
Prove the existence of authorities’
decision on air quality control and
norms (local standard) as well
as provide results and schedule
of test approved by relevant
  Are these enforced in the city?Provide list of measures taken by
relevant authorities to control air
quality norms
  Have air quality and water quality been
publicly announced?
Provide periodically regular report
of air quality and water quality in
the city and justify the types of
media for announcement (TV,
  Have measures been introduced by the
authorities to mitigate air pollution?
Provide list of measures taken by
relevant authorities to control and
mitigate air pollution (for ex. traffic
jam reduction initiatives, catalytic
converters, use of fuel, awareness
raising campaigns…)
  Are these enforced in the city?Provide evidences of
implementation of the measures to
mitigate air pollution
  Have measures been introduced by the
authorities to control noise pollution?
Prove the existence of authorities’
decision and measures to control
noise pollution
  Are these enforced in the city?Provide evidences of
implementation of the measures
to mitigate noise pollution (proofs
expected: list of complaints
registered for noise pollution,
noise-reducing wall, ban some
vehicles in the city at some specific
friendly transport
Does the authority
implement measures related
to environmentally friendly
Is there any public transport system in the
Provide a map indicating the public
transport system in the city (i.e.
bus, subway, tramway, taxi, public
bicycle, train…)
  Have the authorities introduced
environmentally-friendly public transport?
Prove that the public transport use
environmentally-friendly system
(i.e. with pollution controlling
mechanisms, and/or use of electric
energy and/or catalytic converter)
  Have the authorities imposed regulations to
control pollution from traffic?
Prove the existence of specific
regulations and measures to
control pollution from traffic
  Are these enforced in the city?Provide evidences of
implementation of the measures
to mitigate and control pollution
from traffic (with the presence of
responsible authority) such as
banning vehicles that produce
too many emissions; imposing a
congestion charge zone in the city,
  What proportion of environmentally friendly
vehicles and non-motorised vehicles does
the public use compared to total number of
Provide a classification of vehicles
used by the public indicating
the number and proportion of
environmentally friendly vehicles
and non-motorised vehicles
% (At least
30% of total
number to
get a score)
  Have the authorities encouraged (local)
people to use non-motorised transport?
Prove the existence of measures
encouraging citizens to use
non-motorised transport such as
cycling and walking…etc.
5.Sustainable use
of energy
Does the tourism private
sector implement specific
measures and/or strategies
to encourage sustainable
use of energy?
What proportion of hotels in the city use
energy saving and efficiency devices and
renewable energy?
Provide tourism industry data with
a classification of hotels which
use energy saving and efficiency
devices/technologies (such as
eco light bulbs, on-off switches,
the use of key cards, etc.) and/or
renewable energy (solar power,
etc.). Measures taken by the hotels
to encourage their guests to save
energy are also needed.
Less than
Up to or
more than
(At least
50% to get
a score)
  What proportion of restaurants in the city
use energy saving and efficiency devices
and renewable energy?
Provide tourism industry data
with a classification of restaurants
which use energy saving and
efficiency devices/technologies
(such as lighting, water heating,
kitchen ventilation, heating and
cooling, maintenance) and/or
renewable energy (solar power,
Less than
Up to or
more than
(At least
50% to get
a score)
  Are tourist businesses made aware of
energy-saving techniques that they can use
through awareness campaigns?
Prove the presence of measures
included awareness-building
campaigns about energy
saving techniques and energy
efficiency initiative aimed at tourist
businesses in the city
  Are there any incentive measures for
sustainable use of energy?
Provide the list of incentive
measures taken to encourage
sustainable use of energy
(frequency, type of action …) and
the result (follow-up the use of
energy efficiency methods, the
decrease of amount of energy
consumption, etc.)
– Number of Detailed Indicators: 5 – Number of Criteria: 28Total28

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