Safety and security, crucial component of ACTCS

(TITC) – Safety and security are vital to providing quality in tourism. More than any other economic activity, the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to provide a safe and secure environment for visitors. ASEAN Clean Tourist City Standard (ACTCS) requires ASEAN cities to assess the health safety and urban safty and security in nomination document.

Safety and security is the responsibility of the local authority of the area and ensuring of safety of tourists as well as of people living in the region is the main objective of this indicator. The indicator is aimed at desiring a view of harmonization between international tourists and local people, and at encouraging the cities to take actions to contribute to the reduction of risk which is occurred in all forms and in the sense of contributing to the tourism development in the context of safe tourism.

The indicator assesses the number and quality of health centres, pharmacies and health service providers, that are available in the city as well as evaluating the risk management strategy in place, the extent of sanitation inspection, public order management, the safety of travelling around the city, and the dissemination of information provided to tourists and the local population about the crime prevention and the enforcement of the rules. There are 4 detail indicators as flowing.

Health safety has two aspects: 1) evaluation of the number and quality of health centres (hospitals, clinics…) and pharmacies as well as the health service providers; and 2) the extent of sanitation inspection at areas where tourists congregate (restaurants, markets, fast food outlets, street vendors, etc.…) according to laws and regulations in place in the country.

Safety and security in the city assesses the level of public order in place and can be measured by the number of police (especially tourist police) and how they are trained to deal with issues involving tourists. How taxi drivers treat tourists courteously and honestly should also be considered. Another sub-indicator could refer to safety of travelling around the city (traffic, road congestion, safety in crossing roads, safe pavements etc.…).

Crime prevention and enforcement of rules (child prostitution, drugs etc.) This ascertains the efforts in place to protect the local population from illegal activities and to dissuade tourists from indulging in them such as child prostitution, drugs, trafficking, smuggling, damage of environmental and cultural assets etc.… It evaluates the enforcements of the rules (policing and sanctions) and the effectiveness of awareness campaigns.

Risk management strategy assesses the ability of the country to cope up with unexpected events such as natural disaster etc. It evaluates the scope and effectiveness of risk management strategy if it exists.

Table of assessment on 4 indicators of Health Safety and Urban Safety and Security

Requirement of major
CriteriaEvidences for criteriaAppraisalScore
1.Health safetyDoes health safety be
ensured in the city?
Are there enough health centres in the
Provide a detailed list and map
of all health centres (staffs,
equipment and size etc.) in the city
and compare it to the total number
of population in the city (refer to
the latest census data)
(At least
1 for 500
to get a
  Are there enough pharmacies in the city?Provide a list and a map of
all pharmacies in the city and
compare it to the total number of
population in the city (refer to the
latest census data)
(At least
1 for 500
to get a
  Is there a sanitation norm for the places
where tourists congregate?
Provide the specific sanitation
norm, if any, for each place where
tourists congregate (restaurants,
markets, fast food outlets, street
vendors, etc.)
  How often are sanitation inspections
carried out at areas where tourists
congregate (restaurants, markets, fast food
outlets, street vendors, etc.…)?
Provide name of the authority in
charge of inspection, the schedule
of sanitation inspection and the
annual report with the date of each
Monthly or
more often
(At least
once a
month to
get a score)
Less than
once a
2.Safety and
security in the
Quality of safety and
security in the city
Are there sufficient police officers in the
city? (based on individual country’s norm)
Provide the number of police
officers in the city and the
country’s norm related to
this issue
  Is there a dedicated tourist police unit in
the city?
Provide :
-government’s decision on tourist
police unit with its roles and
-the locations of tourist police
unit in the city
  Have they been properly trained to deal
with issues that tourists may have?
Provide details about trainings
conducted for tourist police officers
(type of courses, materials,
number of intake, etc.)
3.Crime prevention
and enforcement
of rules
Strategies and/or specific
measures for crime
prevention and enforcement
of rules
Are regulations (protective and preventive
measures and activities) against illegal
activities resulting from tourism enforced
to protect the local population (i.e. child
prostitution, drugs, trafficking, smuggling,
damage of environmental and cultural
assets etc.)?
– the existence of related laws and
– protective and preventive
measures and activities taken by
– latest data of the number of
tourism-related crimes occurring in
the city
  Are awareness campaigns to persuade
tourists not to indulge in illegal activities
carried out regularly?
Justify the existence of awareness
campaigns (type of campaigns,
targeted groups of tourists,
materials/means and frequency)
4.Risk management
Strategies and/or specific
measures for risk
management strategy
(Refer to Safety and
Security Best Practices of
Is there a risk management system in
Provide decision and/or documents
related to the risk management
system of the city
  Is it regularly updated and are the main
people involved trained and their skills
– date and details of each update
– details about training and skills
update for main people involved
  Is there a crisis management system in
Provide decision and/or documents
related to crisis management
system of the city
– Number of Detailed Indicators: 2
– Number of Criteria: 5

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