Restoration of Cham towers in My Son: expanding tourism space of heritage site

(TITC) – After 6 years of implementation (2017-2022), the project to preserve and restore 3 groups of towers A, H, and K at My Son Sanctuary has completed, opening up new opportunities in the way of revitalising the architectural works here.

Group of towers A (Photo: Quangnamnews)

New clothes – New appearance

Implementing since 2017, My Son Temple Sanctuary Project funded by the Government of India has received positive results. In 2 groups of towers K and H, the excavation process has revealed many artefacts and underground architecture such as stone lion statues, decorated tower corners and spires made of stone and terracotta materials, and a number of artefacts have been discovered and displayed on site for visitors.

In the period 2017 – 2019, experts from the Institute of Archaeology (ASI) collaborated with Vietnamese technicians and the My Son Cultural Heritage Management Board to restore some architectural works in 2 zones H and K such as tower walls, tower body, tower base, door steps etc.

The altar of tower A1 has been arranged and stabilised (Photo: Quangnamnews)

In the area of Tower Group A, from 2020, experts have successfully restored the west door frame and 2 east door pillars of tower A1, forming the main entrance steps to the altar A1, especially rearranging the A1 altar as a basis for making a scientific dossier to request recognition of a national treasure…

Mr. Phan Ho – Director of the My Son Cultural Heritage Management Board said, the completion of the restoration and embellishment work at 3 tower groups A, H, and K not only overcomes the deterioration of the monuments, but also helps restore and perfect the architectural space of the temple complex of My Son, contributing to the expansion of tourism space for the heritage.

Strengthen the solidarity

Overview of A tower group (Photo: Quangnamnews)

Mr. Subhash Prasad Gupta – Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of India in Vietnam said, the success of the project not only contributes to the revival of Champa architectural works, but also helps to strengthen and further tighten the solidarity relationship between the two nations. The relationship of India – Vietnam has been more than 2,000 years, based on similarities in tradition, wet rice culture, ancestor worship as well as aesthetic views, perspectives, and philosophy of life… These are important pillars for the relationship between two countries. My Son Sanctuary is the best expression of the cultural and civilised link between Vietnam and India in history.

Delegations of Vietnam and India worked on the project of My Son towers restoration (Photo: Quangnamnews)

The Deputy Chief of Mission of the Indian Embassy further stressed, Vietnam is an important pillar of India’s Look East policy and the two countries have elevated their diplomatic relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership since 2016. This is the foundation for the relationship between the two countries in various aspects, and the project to preserve and embellish the My Son temple complex is a symbol of the joint efforts between the two governments to protect the heritage site. The Government of India is committed to continuing to support Quang Nam in the restoration of the F tower group and the Dong Duong Buddhist Monastery (in Thang Binh District, Quang Nam Province)

According to Mr. Tran Van Tan, Vice Chairman of People’s Committee of Quang Nam Province, the greatest success in the process of preserving the tower groups not only revived My Son, attracting a large number of visitors, but also eloquently demonstrated the excellent cooperation tradition of Vietnam and India.

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