Danish Crown Prince eager to discover Hanoi culture

Danish Crown Prince Frederick on November 1 took part in a wide range of activities to explore the traditional culture of Hanoi, during his ongoing visit to Vietnam.

Danish Crown Prince Frederick visits the Huc bridge – a cultural landmark in Hanoi on November 1

He then moves on to Ngoc Son Temple – a popular destination for both international visitors and Vietnamese people who come to the site to pray for good fortune.

The Crown Prince enjoys a stroll around Hoan Kiem Lake in the heart of Hanoi.

His next destination is then the renowned Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre. 

Danish Crown Prince Frederick and Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan listen to an introduction about Dong Ho folk paintings.

An artisan presents a Dong Ho folk painting especially for the Crown Prince. 

The Crown Prince has a go at making Dong Ho painting.

He is offered the painting printed by himself as a special gift to remember his visit to Vietnam.

Danish Crown Prince Frederick and Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan enjoy an art performance put on at the Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre.

Foreign tourists view traditional folk water puppet shows, while singers tell the story acted out by puppets through Cheo

Source: VOV – english.vov.vn

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