Criterion Community ownership and management in ASEAN CBT Standard

(TITC) – Community based tourism initiatives will be managed by communities to improve the well-being of communities. Criterion Community ownership and management in ASEAN CBT Standard focus on transparent governance, legitimate establishment and partnerships.

Standards for effective and transparent governance

Minimum requirements

– The CBT initiative is managed by community members through a Committee elected or a maximum 5-year term.

– The CBT initiative has a clear management structure with agreed roles and responsibilities.

– Relevant national and provincial rules and regulations (including local by-laws) are followed by those directly involved in CBT activities/operations.

– CBT Member recruitment meets any relevant national or local laws and regulations.

– CBT Member recruitment to provide specific tourism products and services (e.g. guiding, accommodation, food and beverage services) is conducted fairly by the CBT Committee based on gender equity and social inclusion principles.

Advanced requirements

– CBT Members are recruited based on their appropriate levels of knowledge and commitment to the CBT initiative and the specific role.

– CBT Member appointments (and revocation of appointments) are approved by the CBT Committee.

Standards for recognition of legitimate establishment

Minimum requirements

– The CBT initiative has a clear vision, mission, long-term and short-term action plan.

– The CBT initiative is registered with and recognised by relevant authorities.

Standards for effective and transparent management

Minimum requirements

– CBT management processes comply with all CBT standards and requirements, including for outside operators and FTOs.

– CBT Members agree to an ongoing commitment to the ASEAN CBT Member’s Code of Conduct

– The CBT initiative builds the capacity of the community to provide products, goods and services to visiting tourists.

– The CBT initiative maximises use of goods and services provided by the community.

– A clear financial management system exists and is accessible to community members.

Advanced requirements

– An annual action plan is documented and accessible to community members.

– Long-term goals and objectives are documented and accessible to the community members.

Best practice requirements

– Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms exist to assess the sustainability performance of individual and collective CBT activities.

Standards for effective partnerships

Minimum requirements

– Guidelines exist for inbound tour operator interaction with the community.

– In conducting activities, the CBT initiative avoids impacts on neighbouring communities.

Advanced requirements

– Relevant CBT stakeholders are identified and their roles in contributing to CBT initiatives are documented.

– An established procedure exists for regular consultation with stakeholders.

Best practice requirements

– Cooperation exists with neighbouring communities.

Appendix 1
ASEAN CBT Member’s Code of Conduct

My commitment to on-going learning and effective communication

oI will actively seek to increase my knowledge of and expertise in the area of CBT visitor service with which I am involved. (Mandatory)
oI will actively seek to increase my knowledge of: (1) group/visitor management techniques, (2) communication techniques (including cross-cultural awareness/communication and verbal and non-verbal communication), and (3) first aid and safety. (Mandatory)
oI will actively seek to increase my knowledge of the local environment and culture: including history, cultural
traditions, geography, flora and fauna and cultural/heritage sites, and sustainable tourism principles. (Mandatory)
oI will ensure current and relevant environmental and cultural information, especially local identity is included where required during my interactions with visitors. (Mandatory)

My commitment to ethical practices

oI will be friendly, courteous and honest when dealing with the community and visitors. (Mandatory)
oI will demonstrate pride in representing my community and provide a role model for other community members. (Mandatory)
oI will not tolerate sex tourism, drug trafficking, child labour or human trafficking, and I will support principles of gender equity and social inclusion. (Mandatory)
oI will respect the right of all other CBT members to share equally in opportunities for their involvement in income generating activities. (Mandatory)

My commitment to natural and cultural heritage protection

oI will respect and contribute to the promotion and preservation/conservation of local culture and natural
environments. (Mandatory)
oI will ensure visitors observe CBT Standards at all times when interacting with the culture, natural environment and people of the community in the interests of avoiding or minimising negative impacts. (Mandatory)
oI will actively facilitate cross-cultural understanding and opportunities for tourists to contribute to local activities alongside host community members. (Mandatory)
oI will demonstrate best-practice waste management by collecting litter and applying avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle principles. (Mandatory)
oI will ensure all relevant rules, regulations and laws regarding environmental and wildlife protection or codes of conduct are followed. (Mandatory)

My commitment to visitor care and safety

oI will adhere to all CBT approved policies and codes of conduct regarding safety and security of visitors. (Mandatory)
oI will be aware of the nearest first aid kit at all times when interacting with visitors. (Mandatory)
oAs required, I will wear a uniform or carry an ID card when interacting with visitors.
oI will be prepared to efficiently communicate with a responsible third party in the event of emergencies or
accidents. (Mandatory)

My commitment to provide quality service and continuous improvement

oI will provide professional service by being on time, organized and prepared in advance of all activities with
which I am associated. (Mandatory)
oI will never be under the influence of illegal substances. (Mandatory)
oI will never be under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicating substances prior to and/or during an activity
(except when culturally appropriate). (Mandatory)
oI will actively seek feedback on visitor experience satisfaction and the activity with which I am involved. (Mandatory)

I will demonstrate commitment to this ASEAN CBT Member’s Code of Conduct and be able to explain the
rationale for each of its requirements.

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