Azerai La Residence Hotel ranked 4th among top 10 hotels in Southeast Asia

“Condé Nast Traveler” – the prestigious Travel magazine of the U.S, has just announced that Azerai La Residence Hue Hotel is the only one in Vietnam named in the category of “Top 10 Hotels in Southeast Asia,” the Department of Tourism said on October 8.

Staying guests posing for souvenir photos at Azerai La Residence Hotel

This is the annual Readers’ Choice Awards 2022 of Condé Nast Traveler magazine. Azerai La Residence Hotel is honored to be ranked 4th in the 10 hotels voted, and is the sole hotel in Vietnam named in this category.

According to the Readers’ Choice Awards, Azerai La Residence Hue is a 90-year-old hotel with a sophisticated contemporary aesthetic, minimalism and elegance. The arched curves, unique maritime patterns and cross-sections are testament to the pinnacle of the timeless architecture style of Art Deco.

Stretching over 200m along the banks of the Perfume River, Azerai La Residence is located in a place with rich history and culture, combined with the peaceful and poetic natural landscape in Central Vietnam. From the room balcony, garden courtyard and saltwater swimming pool, guests can see Phu Van Lau Flag tower and Hue Citadel on the other side of the Perfume River.

By Duc Quang

Source: Hue News –

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