ASEAN members set up standards for ensuring the performance of CBT friendly tour operators

(TITC) – Tour operators should commitment to CBT ideals, contributions to community and nature protection, support for the local economy, providing satisfying and safe experiences for tourists and the community. These requirenments are perfomed at ASEAN CBT Standards.

Standards for FTO commitment to CBT ideals

– FTOs meet all necessary license and permit requirements.

– Clearly defined and documented agreements exist between FTOs and the CBT Committee, requiring FTOs and staff to operate within the guidelines and regulations of the CBT initiative.

– FTOs and staff have signed and follow the ASEAN CBT Friendly Tour Operator’s Code of Conduct (Appendix 5).

– Where available, FTOs are members of an appropriate professional organisation.
– FTOs and staff demonstrate commitment to developing, sound knowledge of sustainable tourism and how to deliver quality tour services relating to experiencing local environments, cultures and livelihoods.

– FTOs and staff provide safe opportunities for visitors to experience community life and for knowledge exchange between hosts and guests.

– FTOs provide employees dealing with communities regular training on CBT and ecotourism (e.g. one day a year/paid).

– FTOs cooperate with natural and cultural heritage conservation organizations, authorities and local NGOs as required.

Standards for FTO contributions to community and nature protection

– FTOs demonstrate respect for CBT regulations and recommendations for behaviour in environmentally sensitive areas and while in the community.

– FTOs and staff have a sound knowledge and understanding of the specific CBT site and local conditions.

– FTOs demonstrate best practice environmental management in their operations (e.g., use of energy efficient products, waste minimisation and recycling).

– FTOs minimises motorized transportation, especially in CBT areas.

– FTOs consult with the CBT Committee and the community if there is a risk that activities might result in direct environmental or social impact.

– FTOs take away all solid waste generated from products it brings into the CBT area.

– FTOs provide visitors with nature, culture and community experiences that respect and apply a minimized disturbance policy.

– FTOs and staff are actively involved in, or contribute to, CBT projects.

– FTOs work with the community to improve community services and products offered by providing client feedback information.

– FTOs support the CBT Committee in training local guides and wildlife rangers from indigenous and/or local people.

– To the greatest extent possible, FTOs use eco-friendly accommodation and services prior to and after visiting the CBT area.

Standards for FTOs support for the local economy

– FTOs maximise use and purchase of local and CBT products and services (e.g. accommodation, transport in and out, activities, food, souvenirs, etc.).

– FTOs have an agreement or contract with the community on CBT products, prices and procedures.

– FTOs provide advice to the CBT Committee on potential additional services that will increase CBT income.

– FTOs, staff and clients contribute to, or take part in, local development work (e.g., village projects, education, maintenance of local roads etc.).

Innovation, creativity and technology usage in the community

Standards for FTOs promotion of joy of discovery, knowledge and respect

– In cooperation with local guides, FTOs deliver high quality guiding and culture/nature interpretation, which generates respect for the cultural and natural values of the CBT area.

– FTOs explain codes of conduct to clients, emphasising the visitor’s responsibility to treat local people with respect, and avoid environmental damage.

– Through agreement with the CBT Committee, FTOs limit group size based on the carrying capacity of the visited site with the objective of delivering quality experiences to clients that minimises impact on the community.

– FTOs have sound knowledge about the CBT area’s cultural and natural values, and transfers this knowledge to their staff, especially guides and tour leaders.

– FTOs provide accurate pre-tour information to clients about the tour and the CBT area, a list of needed equipment and codes of conduct.

Standards for FTOs providing satisfying and safe experiences for tourists and the community

– FTOs encourage their clients to have travel insurance cover.

– FTOs ensure high risk activities are guided by specifically trained and skilled staffs, assisted by CBT guides.

– FTOs practice responsible marketing that creates appropriate customer expectations of CBT areas and activities.

– FTO staffs are trained in first aid, including CPR.

– FTOs are able to demonstrate their efforts in improving the quality of their operation through reporting of visitor satisfaction from client feedback surveys.

Appendix 5
ASEAN CBT Friendly Tour Operator’s (FTO) Code of Conduct

My commitment to on-going learning and effective communication

oI will actively seek to increase my knowledge of and expertise in all areas of CBT visitor service with which I am involved. (Mandatory)
oI will actively seek to increase my knowledge of: (1) sustainable tourism, (2) group management techniques, (3) customer care/service, (4) communication techniques (including cross-cultural awareness/communication and verbal and non-verbal communication), (5) first aid and safety, and (6) cultural and environmental issues.
oI will actively seek to increase my knowledge of the local environment and culture: including history, cultural
traditions, geography, flora and fauna and cultural/heritage sites, and sustainable tourism principles. (Mandatory)
oI will ensure current and relevant environmental and cultural information is included where required during my interactions with visitors. (Mandatory)
oI will actively seek to improve my verbal and non-verbal communication skills to improve the quality of visitor experiences. (Mandatory)

My commitment to ethical practices

oI will be friendly, courteous and honest when dealing with the community and visitors. (Mandatory)
oI will not tolerate sex tourism, drug trafficking, child labour or human trafficking, and I will support principles of gender equity and social inclusion. (Mandatory)
oI will respect the right of CBT members to share in opportunities for their involvement in tourism related income generating activities. (Mandatory)

My commitment to natural and cultural heritage protection

oI will respect and contribute to the promotion and preservation/conservation of local culture and natural
environments. (Mandatory)
oI will ensure my clients observe CBT standards for interacting with the culture, natural environment and people of the community in the interests of avoiding or minimising negative impacts. (Mandatory)
oI will actively facilitate cross-cultural understanding and opportunities for tourists to contribute to local activities alongside host community members. (Mandatory)
oI will demonstrate best-practice waste management by collecting litter and applying avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle principles. (Mandatory)
oI will ensure all relevant rules, regulations and laws regarding environmental and wildlife protection or codes of conduct are followed. (Mandatory)

My commitment to visitor care and safety

oI will adhere to all CBT approved policies and codes of conduct regarding safety and security of visitors.
oI will be aware of the nearest first aid kit at all times when interacting with visitors. (Mandatory)
oAs appropriate, I will wear a uniform and carry an ID card at all times when interacting with visitors.
oI will be prepared to efficiently communicate with a responsible third party (i.e. use of portable radios, cell
phones, flares or other means of attracting attention), in the event of emergencies or accidents. (Mandatory)

My commitment to providing quality service and continual improvement

oI will provide a quality service by being on time, organized and prepared in advance of all activities with which I am associated. (Mandatory)
oI will never be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or any other intoxicating substances prior to and/or during my visit to the CBT initiative. (Mandatory)
oI will actively seek feedback on visitor experience satisfaction and all activity with which I am involved.

My commitment to the CBT initiative

oI will abide by the rules, regulations and practice requirements of the local community. (Mandatory)
oI will demonstrate support of the CBT initiative and community by making maximum use of CBT services and being actively involved in, or contributing to, CBT projects. (Mandatory)
oI will develop a sound knowledge and understanding of the specific CBT site and local conditions, especially
cultural and natural values, and transfer this knowledge to my clients and fellow staff, especially guides and tour leaders. (Mandatory)
oI will respect community traditions, CBT regulations and requirements for use of environmentally sensitive areas and in-community behaviour. (Mandatory)
oI will consult with the CBT Committee and the community if there is a risk that activities might contribute to direct environmental damage. (Mandatory)
oI will monitor and provide feedback to the CBT Committee on activities based upon ecologically sustainable and ethically acceptable usage of community resources. (Mandatory)
oI will take away all solid waste generated by my clients from products I bring into the CBT area. (Mandatory)
oI will minimise use of motorized transportation, especially in CBT areas. (Mandatory)
oIn cooperation with local guides, I will deliver high quality guiding and culture/nature interpretation and generate respect for the destinations’ cultural and natural values. (Mandatory)
oI will explain codes of conduct to clients, emphasising the visitor’s responsibility to treat local people with respect, and avoid environmental damage. (Mandatory)

For the CBT FTO operator/owner

oThrough agreement with the CBT Committee, I will limit group size based on the carrying capacity of the site and the objective of delivering quality experiences to clients that minimises impact on the community. (Mandatory)
oI will support the CBT Committee in training local guides and wildlife rangers from indigenous and/or local
oI will meet all necessary licenses and permit requirements. (Mandatory)
oI will actively encourage my clients to have travel insurance cover. (Mandatory)
oI will practice responsible marketing, which creates appropriate customer expectations of the CBT experience
and activities. (Mandatory)
oI will conduct my business with honesty and ethical behaviours. (Mandatory)
oI will ensure high risk activities are guided by specifically trained and skilled staff, assisted by CBT guides.
oI will ensure staff are trained in first aid, including CPR.
oI will have in place a post-trip customer feed-back system and provide a summary report to the CBT Committeeafter each visit to the CBT initiative.
oI will maintain membership of a relevant professional tourism organisation, if available. (Mandatory)
oTo the greatest extent possible, I will use eco-friendly accommodation and services prior to and after visiting the CBT area.
oI will provide accurate pre-tour information to clients about the tour and the CBT initiative, a list of needed
equipment and codes of conduct when in the CBT area.

I will demonstrate commitment to this ASEAN CBT Friendly Tour Operator’s Code of Conduct and be
able to explain the rationale for each of its requirements.

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