ASEAN Homestay Standard: Clear signage – Well-known location

(TITC) – A position or site occupied or available for occupancy or marked by some distinguishing feature, a tract of land designated for a purpose, is how to describe a location. And here, location in ASEAN Homestay Standard plays a vital role to guide homestay establishments in way to design and make their locations recognisable and accessible.

This criteria does matter in term up improving everyday experience in the way of life of the family and community in both a direct and indirect manner.

  • Location
    • Accessibility
      • The location of the homestay is accessible to any mode of transportation.
      • Clear signage shall be provided to guide guests to the homestay.

This Assessment Guide translates the criteria contained in the ASEAN Homestay Standard into a user friendly standard operating procedure. This Assessment Guide describes the process that the assessor will have to go through when assessing a Homestay Organisation or Homestay Provider for the ASEAN Homestay Standard. The assessors will be required to utilise several methods of assessment, which are:

  1. IV – interview ii) DR – document review iii) SI – site inspection

Not Applicable Certain requirements may contain elements that do not exist or are not available in the particular country or region. These requirements have been marked with NA (Not Applicable) in the Assessment Form. Assessors will be required to present evidence that relevant requirements cannot be met by the particular homestay if NA is marked in the Form.

Lists of Document and Requirements

1. Homestay registration certificate

2. Certificate of achievement (award winning)

3. Certificate of participation for homestay training courses

4. Chart of homestay organisation structure

5. Record system on homestay providers profile and tourist profile

6. Inventory form of tourism resources in the homestay village

7. Homestay operation manual or guideline for homestay provider

8. Manual or guidelines for safety procedure

9. Certificate of participate on first aid training and emergency rescue for safety personnel

10. Leaflets on safety guideline for tourist

11. List of environmental program offered to tourists and local community


1. Road condition leading to homestay

2. Condition of signposting

AccessibilityLocation is accessible to any mode of transportation. (SI)a. Visit the homestay and note the mode of transportation used to access the homestay. b. Record the travel time as well as any changes in transportation mode along the way.
 Clear signage to guide guests to the homestay. (SI)a. Experience yourself: If the homestay is accessed by land, make a trip to the village and make note of road signage leading the way to the homestay, as well as the information contained on these signs (distance, direction, etc.). b. Photograph the signage at key locations along the way (major junctions, towns, etc.).

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