ASEAN Community Based Tourism Checklist – a tool to evaluate the quality and performance of CBT initiatives (part 3)

(TITC) – The criteria 6 and 7 of checklist prefer the quality of food, beverage services and accommodations.

Criterion 6: Quality food and beverage services

Food and beverage standards are applicable to all providers of food and beverage in the CBT area(s) targeted for visitor use or any service provided as part of a CBT activity.

Sub-criterion 6.1: Ensuring food and beverage service provider quality

Does not
Minimum requirements
6.1.1 Food and beverage providers are community members or approved by a CBT committee, and receive trainings on food hygiene and safety before qualifying as food and beverage providers.    
6.1.2 Food and beverage providers possess or can demonstrate commitment to hygienic food preparation and service techniques.    
6.1.3 Food and beverage providers operate within the guidelines and regulations of the CBT initiative and have signed and follow the ASEAN CBT Food and Beverage Providers Code of Conduct (Appendix 3).    
Advanced requirements    
6.1.4 Food and beverage providers are certified under any relevant standard produced for the purposes of improving food and beverage services.    
6.1.5 Food and beverage providers provide opportunities for knowledge exchange between hosts and visitors.    
Best practice requirements    
6.1.6 Food and beverage providers have access to ongoing capacity building and training opportunities to increase their skills and knowledge of:
• food preparation hygiene,
• nutritional meal and menu preparation,
• traditional cuisine and cooking techniques,
• hospitality and service standards,
• sustainable tourism,
• group management,
• customer care/service,
• communication (including cross cultural awareness/communication and verbal and non-verbal communication);
• first aid and safety,
• authentic local cultural traditions, integrity, identity and values,
• environmental protection issues,
• the guidelines and regulations of the CBT initiative, and
• any other area deemed necessary by the CBT Committee.
Total minimum requirements
Total advanced requirements
Total best practice requirements

Sub-criterion 6.2: Managing food and beverage services for quality

Does not
Minimum requirements
6.2.1 Food and beverage services are provided within the objectives, guidelines, regulations and codes of conduct of the CBT initiative.    
6.2.2 Menus are available with associated prices (if appropriate).    
6.2.3 Meals are provides at agreed times identified in consultation between food and beverage providers and the CBT committee.    
6.2.4 Sufficient food is provided for visitor needs, including between-meal snacks.    
6.2.5 Menus vary daily and include at least one traditional meal at each dining period.    
6.2.6 Maximum use is made of fresh, organically grown food and local ingredients, including fresh meat and vegetables, but no bush meats prohibited by law.    
6.2.7 Dessert and/or fruit forms part of each meal.    
6.2.8 Food preparation and dining areas are maintained in a clean state at all times.    
6.2.9 Food preparation and dining utensils are cleaned thoroughly before use (i.e. cleaned immediately after dining periods).    
6.2.10 Food service providers wash their hands with soap in clean water before and regularly during food preparation.    
6.2.11 Food is stored in clean containers, which are kept in good order.    
6.2.12 Animals (domestic and pest) are kept out of food storage, cooking and dining areas.    
Advanced requirements    
6.2.13 Opportunities exist for tourists to participate in meal preparation and to learn traditional cooking techniques.    
6.2.14 A quality control and improvement system exists, including a system for visitor feedback on the dining experience, and visitors are actively encouraged to participate in the feedback process.    
6.2.15 Visitor dietary preferences are accommodated.    
Best practice requirements    
6.2.16 Maximum use is made of natural bio-degradable products when serving and packaging food (e.g. banana leaves).    
Total minimum requirements
Total advanced requirements
Total best practice requirements

Criterion 7: Quality accommodations

CBT accommodation includes home-stay, communal or other guesthouse options that operate under the guidelines of the CBT Committee. The ASEAN Homestay Standard will apply these CBT accommodations. It also includes CBT central facilities (e.g., dining areas) and other infrastructure.

Sub-criterion 7.1: Ensuring accommodation service provider quality

Does not
Minimum requirements
7.1.1 Accommodation providers are community members or approved by the CBT committee.    
7.1.2 Accommodation providers possess or can demonstrate commitment to developing sound knowledge of how to deliver quality accommodation services, and local environment, culture and sustainable tourism experiences.    
7.1.3 Accommodation providers operate within the guidelines and regulations of the CBT initiative and have signed and follow the ASEAN CBT Accommodation Provider’s Code of Conduct (Appendix 4).    
7.1.4 Accommodation providers supply safe and clean accommodation opportunities for visitors to experience community life and for knowledge exchange between hosts and guests.    
Advanced requirements    
7.1.5 Accommodation providers are certified under any relevant standard produced for the purposes of improving accommodation services (e.g. ASEAN Homestay Standard).    
Best practice requirements    
7.1.6 Accommodation providers have access to ongoing capacity building and training opportunities to increase their skills and knowledge of:
• accommodation and housekeeping services,
• food preparation hygiene,
• hospitality and service standards,
• sustainable tourism,
• group management,
• customer care/service,
• communication (including cross cultural awareness/communication and verbal and non-verbal communication);
• first aid and safety,
• authentic local cultural traditions, integrity, identity and values,
• environmental protection,
• the guidelines and regulations of the CBT initiative, and
• any other area deemed necessary by the CBT Committee.
Total minimum requirements
Total advanced requirements
Total best practice requirements

Sub-criterion 7.2: Managing accommodations to ensure quality

Does not
Minimum requirements
7.2.1 Accommodations are provided within the objectives, guidelines, regulations and codes of conduct of the CBT initiative.    
7.2.2 A clearly defined and documented visitor booking system exists for visitors to the CBT central area and accommodations.    
7.2.3 An up-to-date log of arrivals, departures and returns to the CBT central area is maintained.    
7.2.4 Visitors are informed on arrival of safety, security and behavioural requirements.    
7.2.5 Purpose-built structures for visitor use are attractive and appropriate to meeting tourist expectations and basic safety standards.    
7.2.6 Bathrooms and toilets, with adequate privacy and ventilation, are available for guest use within all accommodations.    
7.2.7 All accommodations, especially bathrooms and toilets, are thoroughly cleaned and serviced daily.    
7.2.8 Bathrooms and toilets include a tank or adequate fresh, clean water, soap and cup; toilets include toilet paper and a sanitary bin.    
7.2.9 Toilets are of either squatting or sitting, and flushing or composting type, with consideration given to client preferences and local norms.    
7.2.10 The CBT area is maintained in a clean condition that minimises threats from dangerous species.    
7.2.11 Materials are available to cover basic communication needs between hosts and guests.    
7.2.12 A torch is available for night use in all accommodations and structures built for visitor use.    
7.2.13 All CBT accommodations and visitor use areas have procedures to ensure the security and safety of visitors and their belongings (visitors are to be informed of these upon arrival).    
7.2.14 A contingency plan exists for unexpected events, including a sick or injured guest, missing or lost guest, disruptive or undesirable behaviour from a guest, accident or injury to a guest or adverse weather conditions.    
7.2.15 All CBT accommodations and visitor use areas include a first aid kit for guest and staff use and checked weekly for completeness or replenished on use.    
7.2.16 All CBT accommodations and visitor use areas apply all appropriate standards of hygiene and cleanliness stated in the food and beverage section of these standards when including meals in the accommodation.    
Advanced requirements    
7.2.17 A quality control and improvement system exists, including a system for visitor feedback on accommodations, and visitors are actively encouraged to participate in the feedback process    
7.2.18 Subject to functional requirements, built structures for visitors reflect local building traditions.    
7.2.19 Built structures for visitors are clearly identified at the location with guide signs as required (this particularly applies to accommodation and any special tourist use areas).    
7.2.20 Built structures do not include wild animal decoration, except where part of an interpretive display or part of local custom.    
7.2.21 Adequate lighting and ventilation is provided inside all built structures for visitor use.    
7.2.22 Structures are not placed within 20metres of any natural or cultural attraction or significant site, unless historically in that location or for cultural reasons.    
7.2.23 Farm animals cannot enter structures used by visitors.    
7.2.24 Parking and signage is available for visitor use and orientation.    
7.2.25 All CBT accommodation providers are trained in basic first aid and are therefore competent in using first aid kits.    
7.2.26 All CBT accommodation and visitor use areas have documented fireand emergency procedures, displayed in prominent positions.    
Best practice requirements    
7.2.27 The family and cross-culture experience is emphasised.    
Total minimum requirements
Total advanced requirements
Total best practice requirements

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