Tan Thanh fishing village, ASEAN community tourism

Tan Thanh fishing village tourism community focuses on developing tourism in a sustainable and responsible manner. Besides essential services for tourists such as accommodation, cuisine, spa, swimming… this destination also provides many community experiences such as education on green tourism; learn about local specialties; cultural and artistic activities; marine environment installation art exhibition…

Especially the Tan Thanh fishing village market (on Nguyen Phan Vinh street, Cam An ward, Hoi An) quickly resonated, positioning itself as an attractive destination, attracting tourists to the An Bang – Tan Thanh beach. Many cultural activities are held at the fishing village market like performing Bai Choi singing, Quang Nam folk singing, Acoustic Guitar, street Zumba dancing…

The market also has a separate area for people to bring old items, liquidated items, and “home-grown items” to bring a simple, rustic feeling when walking around Tan Thanh market. Bunches of bananas, baskets of vegetables, eggplants, fish… are displayed for sale.

Tan Thanh fishing village tourism community has created many values to the lives of Hoi An people. And this is also a highly creative space of Hoi An’s young community today.

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