Strengthen tourism cooperation between ASEAN and dialogue partners

The 43rd Meeting of ASEAN+3 (China, Japan, and ROK) NTOs

At the ASEAN+3 NTOs meeting, the ASEAN Secretariat reported that 24/39 activities in the ASEAN+3 Tourism Cooperation Work Plan 2021-2025 have been implemented.

In 2023, dialogue partners will implement many activities to support ASEAN tourism. In particular, the head of the Chinese delegation said that China will organize the ASEAN – China Tourism Exhibition in October 2023, the ASEAN – China Tourism Investment Conference in Yunnan in November 2023.

The Japanese partner has also implemented a number of tourism cooperation initiatives with ASEAN, including tourism promotion activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan implemented by the JNTO Office in Vietnam. JICA is also implementing a number of tourism projects in Vietnam such as project to promote rural tourism through youth education programs; the project introduces tourism products in mountainous areas to improve local living standards; the project uses local resources for industrial development…

On this occasion, the head of the Japanese delegation informed and invited member countries to attend the Tourism Expo Japan in Osaka and the ASEAN-Japan Special Ministerial Dialogue in Tokyo in October 2023.

The Korea Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Tourism (KOPIST) has been effectively implemented. It is held annually to share experiences, tourism training and increase opportunities to register for ODA projects for partner countries including Vietnam.

At the meeting, the ASEAN-China Center (ACC), ASEAN-Japan Center (AJC) and ASEAN-Korea Center (AKC) reported a number of implementation activities in 2023. The camera crew of AKC went to Vietnam to shoot a clip to promote tourism with the theme “Architecture and Culture”. AJC is about to coordinate with Vietnam National Authority of Tourism to organize a training seminar on Digital skills for green tourism businesses in Vietnam in December 2023.

VNAT’s Vice Chairman Mr. Ha Van Sieu attended the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, VNAT’s Vice Chairman Mr. Ha Van Sieu said that Viet Nam highly appreciates China, Japan and Korea’s continuous support for ASEAN tourism development, especially with promotional projects and events post-pandemic to promptly recover the tourist flows within ASEAN region.

The plus three countries are always important source markets for Vietnam and the key priorities for promotion during this period. We have executed various marketing activities toward these markets since reopening. This week, VNAT is organising tourism roadshows in Japan, and we plan the same events in China and Korea in the upcoming months.

Vietnam has regularly joined the events organised by ASEAN centers. Vietnam encourages the centers to continue the effective training courses for the NTOs’ officials, private sectors, localities, and other stakeholders when appropriate. At the same time, Vietnam will also join hands and provide available materials for marketing campaigns or as per requests from the centers.

Furthermore, as informed by AJC, the Training on Digital Skills for Green Tourism Enterprises will be hosted in Hue city, Viet Nam in the first week of December. Vietnam looks forward to welcoming the delegates from all member states.

The 30th Meeting of ASEAN – India Tourism Working Group

On same day, the 30th Meeting of ASEAN – India Tourism Working Group was organized. At the meeting, ASEAN Secretariat reported the outcomes of the 10th Meeting of ASEAN – India Tourism Ministers held on 4th February 2023 in Indonesia and brief of the implementation progress of the ASEAN – India Tourism Work Plan 2023 – 2027.

Two sides discussed on new opportunities and avenues for the development and promotion of Sustainable Tourism; update the progress of the study exchange programme between tourism and hospitality human resource development institutes in ASEAN member states and India; exchange of information pertaining to statistics and development strategies, investment opportunities and economic data; development of cruise tourism

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