Sapa develops community tourism according to ASEAN Tourism Standards

(TITC) – With majestic natural landscapes and unique national cultural identities, Sapa tourism in general and community tourism in particular have attracted the attention of domestic and international tourists, making an important contribution to improving the quality of life of ethnic minority communities in the area, forming tourism product brands, and contributing to promoting the cultural values of ethnic minorities.

Sapa is one of the pioneering localities developing community tourism in Vietnam. Before the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, community tourism destinations in the town attracted many tourists to visit and experience. Along with the development of community tourism, many local culinary dishes are also introduced to tourists and become menus at restaurants such as Khau Nhuc (A traditional Vietnamese braised meat dish), lap xuong (Food made mainly from fat and lean meat of pork or some other animals), dried meat, roasted pork, sticky rice, cakes… Folk cultural activities and traditional festivals become events that attract the participation of tourists such as the Field Visiting Festival (Tay and Giay ethnic groups), the Love Singing Festival (Dao ethnic group), and the Banana Flower Festival, Village Sweeping Festival (Xa Pho ethnic group)…

​During the period 2021 – 2025, Sapa focuses on building and developing community tourism according to ASEAN Tourism Standards associated with ethnic minority cultural characteristics in Ta Phin, Muong Hoa, Ta Van, Ban Ho and Lien communes; stick closely to the goals, tasks, and solutions of the Resolutions of the Provincial Party Committee and Project No. 03 “Development of culture and tourism; building Sa Pa national key tourist area of international stature in the period 2020 – 2025”.

Sa Pa sets a goal that by 2025, community tourism will become an attractive product, affirm its brand, be highly competitive, meet ASEAN tourism standards and become a unique, typical, and effective community tourism model.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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