Developing green tourism associated with civilized, clean and beautiful environment protection

Accordingly, the Government assigned the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to develop and implement the Green Tourism Action Program for the period of 2023 – 2025, protecting the natural and social environment at key tourist destinations, orienting “Green, clean, beautiful, civilized and friendly tourist destination”.

This is a task requirement to promote the restructuring of the tourism industry towards professionalism, modernity, quality and sustainability. At the same time, following the motto of the tourism industry: “Special products – Professional services – Convenient and simple procedures – Competitive prices – Clean and beautiful environment – Safe, civilized, friendly destination”.

In recent years, the Tourism Information Technology Center (under VNAT) has focused on communicating about tourism environmental protection on digital platforms. The center has maintained the website in two languages Vietnamese – English, specializing in propaganda to raise awareness of protecting the natural and social environment.

In particular, focusing on propagating guidelines, policies and guiding documents of the Party, State, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, VNAT related to tourism environmental protection, sustainable tourism development.

At the same time, introduce about tourism environmental protection activities nationwide, promoting green tourism, sustainable tourism, cultural – heritage.

In addition, the Center has implemented solutions to digitally transform tourism activities through non-cash payment application “Viet Card – National tourist card”, aiming to contribute to the protection of the tourism environment.

Tourism Information Technology Center

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