Raising awareness about environmental protection and cleanliness

(TITC) – Raising awareness about environmental protection and cleanliness is a main mechanism for encouraging the implementation of the Clean Tourist City Standard. It is important to know how to assessment this indicator in ASEAN Clean Tourist City Standard.

According to standard, the awareness raising refers to activities that are comprised of three main components: awareness raising objectives, goals to be implemented, and support documents that are used to provide information. The awareness-building about environmental protection and cleanliness refers to sensitising local people, tourists and relevant stakeholders about the benefits of cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation, and healthy environment.

The awareness raising can be considered as a form of knowledge or general knowledge transformation/provision (In general, it is a consequence from repeated activities). That’s why, the objectives of awareness-building is to spread information about the damages which are the challenges of daily wrong implementation and to disseminate/explain the right attitude and implementation—possibly contributing to improve the living standards. The Clean Tourist City Standard has a special interest to the reminder of the attention of local people, tourism service providers, and tourists about environment and cleanliness.

Raising awareness of local people about environmental protection and cleanliness assesses activities that have been carried out to raise the awareness of the local population about environmental protection and cleanliness and how often these have been performed (publicity campaigns, events, competitions, etc.…). It also refers to the tools used to build awareness such as booklets, leaflets, banners and posters, etc.…

Much as above raising awareness of tourism service providers about environmental protection and cleanliness assesses activities that have been carried out to raise the awareness of the tourism service providers about environmental protection and cleanliness and how often these have been performed (publicity campaigns, events,
competitions, etc.…). It also refers to the tools used to build awareness such as booklets, leaflets, banners and posters, etc.…

Raising awareness of tourists about environmental protection and cleanliness assess the level of information provided to tourists on respecting the country’s environmental and cleanliness regulations by both public sector agencies and private businesses in contact with tourists.

The table guides how to assessment the indicator of awareness about environmental protection and cleanliness.

bout Environmental
Protection and
eanliness Indicators
Requirement of major
CriteriaEvidences for criteriaAppraisalScore
1. Raising
awareness of
local people about
protection and
Are there any actions or
strategy to raise awareness
of local people about
environmental protection
and cleanliness?
Are there any awareness campaigns
(publicity, events, competitions, etc.)
carried out about environmental protection
and cleanliness aimed at the local
Prove the existence of awareness
campaigns by justifying types of
campaigns and targeted groups of
local population
  How often?Justify the frequency____times
(at least
once a year
to get a
  Have the authorities produced and
disseminated publicity material about
environmental protection and cleanliness
(booklets, leaflets, banners and posters,
Justify the materials used for the
awareness campaign by providing
a sample of each publicity material
(booklets, leaflets, banners and
of tourist
firms about
protection and
Are there any actions or
strategy to raise awareness
of tourist firms about
environmental protection
and cleanliness?
Are there any awareness campaigns
(publicity, events, competitions, etc.)
carried out about environmental protection
and cleanliness aimed at employees of
tourist enterprises?
Prove the existence of awareness
campaigns by justifying types of
campaigns and targeted tourist
  How often?Justify the frequency____times
(at least
once a year
to get a
  Are there appropriate materials and
activities for the purpose?
Provide list and sample of
materials and list of activities used
for the campaign purpose
awareness of
tourists about
protection and
Are there any actions
or strategy to raise
awareness of tourists about
environmental protection
and cleanliness?
Are tourists made aware of the city’s
environmental protection and cleanliness
efforts and regulations?
Prove the existence of awareness
campaigns by justifying types of
campaigns and targeted groups of
  How often?Justify the frequency____times
( at least
once a year
to get a
score )
  Are there appropriate materials and
activities for the purpose?
Justify that the materials and
activities are adapted to and
understandable for tourists (the
existence of booklets, banners
and posters in English language,
location (at sensitive areas: parks,
riverside, forest, etc.)
– Number of Detailed Indicators: 3
– Number of Criteria: 9

Tourism Information Technology Center

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