Audit checklist – a tool for assessement ASEAN Green Hotel Standard (part 2)

(TITC) – Audit checklist is a part of proseduce of assessment for ASEAN Green Hotel certification. Here is the checklist of 10 criterias (part 2).

IndicatorsCriteria of auditRating
Finding of
Major Criteria No.6Energy efficiency   
6.1 Introduction
of energy saving
techniques and /
or energy saving
technology and
equipment for hotel to
reduce energy
Installation and use
of energy efficient
technologies and
techniques in hotel
in the past years.
M1) The organization shall establish plans, policies and activities for encouraging saving energy.  
  M2) The organization shall selectively utilize electrical appliances and equipments with energy savings efficienc, for example, energy efficient lighting, or low loss ballast and other
appliances certified with the highest
energy saving rated as NO.5.
  M3)The organization shall encourage staffs to involve in energy efficiency activities  
6.2 Installation of
meters / equipment
to monitor energy
Installation of power and energy consumption
metering technologies.
M1) The organization shall efficiently design for installation sites of power and energy metering equipments.  
  M2) The organization shall separately collect records of energy consumption for every location.  
6.3 Encouragement
of the involvement of
hotel Guest in energy
Invitation and
messages to promote
hotel guest in energy
efficiency in hotel.
M1) The organization shall encourage client to save energy, possibly using energy saving friendly reminder in the guest rooms and advertisement boards.  
Major Criteria No.7Water efficiency and water quality   
7.1 Introduction
of water saving
techniques and / or
use of water saving
technology and
equipment to reduce
water consumption.
Installation and use
of water efficient
technologies and
practices in hotel in
the past years.
M1) The organization shall establish plans or activities for water saving and encouraging efficient water consumption.  
  M2) The organization shall document a guideline for reducing water consumption of staff.  
  M3) The organization shall use efficient water sanitary ware such as automatic tap, low- flow dual flush toilet,etc.  
  M4) The organization shall reuse water for the proper activities according to law and in the safety way.  
  M5) The organization shall collect data and statistics of water consumption and expenses.  
7.2 Regular
maintenance for water
saving equipment.
Maintenance reports
of engineering team
on water efficient
M1) The organization shall establish maintenance plan of sanitary ware or water saving equipment; including to checking leak water area.  
  M2) The organization shall record the result of maintaining plan of sanitary ware or water saving equipment; including to checking leak water area.  
7.3 Encouragement of
the involvement of hotel
guest in water saving.
Promotional media
/ practices for hotel guests on water efficiency
M1) The organization shall promote for encouraging clients to participate in water saving campaign, for instance of water saving friendly reminder in guest
room and advertisement board.
  M2) The organization shall provide a regulation for water saving and asking for co operation from clients, for example, defining the frequency of changing bed sheet and towel, etc.  
7.4 Ensure the quality
of water used in the
water quality testingM1) The organization shall establish a plan to test the quality of water consumed at least once a year.  
  M2) The organization shall provide the water quality testing report according to related standard.  
  M3) The organization shall have
contingency plan in case the water consumed does not meet the standard.
Major Criteria No.8Air quality management (indoor and outdoor)   
8.1 Designation of
smoking and non
smoking area.
Photo of smoking
and non-smoking
areas designated in
M1) The organization shall provide separate smoking area from center area and post the symbol.  
  M2) The organization shall launch non-smoking campaigns in the hotel area.  
8.2 Regular monitoring
and maintenance for
equipment and hotel
facilities to ensure the
air quality i.e. air
Maintenance report
of air conditioning /
technologies to
ensure good air
quality in hotel.
M1) The organization shall establish maintenance plan of generator and air conditioning system.  
  M2) The organization shall record the result of the maintenance in accordance with the maintenance plan.  
Major Criteria No.9Noise pollution control   
9.1 Existence of noise
control program from
hotel operation.
Program activities
implemented in
hotel to ensure
noise control in
M1) The organization shall set up the activities for checking noise sources and evaluating the effects to clients and local residences.  
  M2) The organization shall define guidelines of noise control system and apply the appropriate means to reduce noise, if any  
Major Criteria No.10Waste water treatment and management   
10.1 The use of mechanisms to prevent
water contamination
and reduce waste
water generation.
Program implementation
on minimization of
water contamination
and pollution prevention in hotel
in the past years.
M1) Waste water treatment system plan shall be documented by the organization.  
  M2) The organization shall have a method to evaluate the risk of water contaminated in hotel activities.  
  M3) The organization shall have an evaluation report for the risk of water contamination and corrective and preventive actions in hotel activities.  
10.2 Promotion of the
use of recyclable/grey
water in operation i.e.
watering trees.
Proves of hotel’s
promotion to reuse
water and use of
treated water in
M1) The organization shall establish a policy or a guideline of water reuse for example, for watering plants.  
  M2) The organization shall have activities in conformity with policy or guideline of water reuse for example, for watering plants.  
10.3 Encouragement for an appropriate use of waste water treatment.Implementation of
waste water treatment in hotel.
M1) The organization shall provide waste water treatment system suitable for size and activities of hotel where there is no support of waste water
treatment system outside.
  M2) The organization shall provide a report of waste water treatment system control and maintenance if applicable.  
  M3) The organization shall provide waste water quality testing report according to the related standard if applicable.  
  M4) The organization shall install a grease trap system in kitchen, restaurant and grease contaminated area.  
  M5) The organization shall have a contingency plan in case the waste water does not meet the standard if applicable.  
Major Criteria No.11Toxic and chemical substance disposal management   
11.1 Provision of clear signs for toxic substance.Clear and understandable
indications of storage and use of chemicals in hotel.
M1) The organization shall make lists of toxic chemicals including hazardous waste from hotel activities if applicable.  
  M2) The organization shall present hazardous chemical symbols in conformity with the international law’s requirements.  
  M3) The organization shall have
a safe place isolated from its staff and clients for storing hazardous and toxic substances.
11.2 Appropriate
hazardous waste
disposal management.
Hazardous waste
handling and
disposal practices in
hotel- training of staffs on the hazardous
waste management
M1) The organization shall provide material safety data sheet (MSDS).  
  M2) The organization shall properly specify hazardous waste disposal management to client and hotel staff.  
  M3) The organization shall provide a training and a seminar necessary for improving knowledge about hazardous waste disposal management.  
  M4) The organization shall dispose of hazardous waste according to its waste management plans.  
  M5) The organization shall communicate information about hazardous waste disposal management to clients and hotel staff, for example, using friendly reminder, brochures, advertisement boards, etc.  
11.3 Regular inspection, cleaning
and maintenance for
storage in order to avoid leakage of gas or toxic chemical substance.
Maintenance and
inspection reports
on chemical, fuel,
gas and hazardous
agents in hotel.
M1) The organization shall specify methods of cleaning and
maintenance the storage area for hazardous and toxic chemical
  M2) The organization shall implement methods of cleaning and maintenance the storage area for hazardous and toxic substance.  
  M3) The organization shall monitor the amount of chemical usage.  
Total Score    

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