Audit checklist – a tool for assessement ASEAN Green Hotel Standard (part 1)

(TITC) – Audit checklist is a part of proseduce of assessment for ASEAN Green Hotel certification. Here is the checklist of 10 criterias (part 1).

IndicatorsCriteria of auditRating
Finding of
Major Criteria No.1Environmental policy and actions for hotel operation
1.1 Promotion of
environmental activities
in order to encourage
the involvement of
hotel staffs, clients and
suppliers to participate
in environmental
management practices.
List of environmental
activities / programs
implemented in
connection with the
of staff / clients
/ suppliers to participate in.
M1) Environmental policy/practice (compliant with the international standard) shall be defined and documented by top management, and easily accessible as evidence
of the organization.
M2) The organization shall communicate environmental
policy practice to staffs, clients and suppliers to participate in.
1.2 Existence of plan
for raising staffs to be
aware of environment
i.e. training.
awareness rising plan (s).
M1) The organization shall establish environmental
management training plan for staff’s improvement.
 M2) The organization shall maintain up-to-date training
 M3) The organization shall establish environmental activity
plan to encourage staffs, (clients) and suppliers to participate.
 M4) Environmental activities of the organization shall be
recorded; including activities of staffs, (clients) and suppliers to participate in.
1.3 Existence of
management plan for
hotel operation.
Hotel environmental
management plan
implemented e.g
laundry and kitchen.
M1) Environmental management plan shall be established,
documented and implemented by the organization.
  M2) The organization shall have evidences on environmental
activities; for example, the monthly energy saving report,
the monthly water saving report, the monthly result of waste water monitoring, monthly information of reducing solid waste quantity, etc.
  M3) Evidences shall be provided by the organization as specified plan.  
1.4 Existence of
monitoring program
for environmental
management of hotels.
Measurement of
programs / activity
M1) The organization shall have measurement method and
monitoring team to evaluate environmental activity plans.
  M2) The organization shall provide evidences of continuous
improvement and development in environmental activity plans.
Major Criteria No.2Use of Green products   
2.1 Encouragement
for the use of local
products for hotel
operation i.e. food and
Purchasing criteria
of local product
support and promotion.
M1) The organization shall have a policy or a regulation to
encourage of using local product.
  M2) The rooms, restaurants, lobbies, and etc. shall be
decorated with local products.
  M3) The organization shall use local food product.  
2.2 Encouragement for
the use of environmentally friendly products.
Green procurement
criteria in use.
M1) The organization shall have a policy or a regulation
to encourage of using environmentally friendly products.
  M2) The organization shall use environmentally friendly products and biodegradable  
Major Criteria No.3Collaboration with the community and local the organizations     
3.1 Existence of plans
/ activities to help
improve quality of life of
the community.
List of community
quality of life
M1) The organization shall establish plans or arrange
activities for improving quality of life for example, health and
education in local areas.
  M2) The organization shall provide evidences of conformity with activity plans.  
3.2 Existence of
awareness rising
programs for local
community on
protection awareness
programs / activities
implemented in
community by hotel
/ hotel staff.
M1) The organization shall establish awareness programs/
activities on environmental protection for local community.
  M2) The organization shall provide evidences in conformity
with its programs/ activities.
3.3 Creation of
activities in promoting
culture and traditional
performance and local
ways of life.
Cultural / local
living promotional
activities implemented in the past years.
M1) The organization shall conceive a project or establish
activity for promotion of local tradition and culture.
  M2) The organization shall have evidences in conformity of plans  
3.4 Creation of job
opportunity for local
Comparative fraction of local and non-local employments in
M1) The organization shall conceive a project or establish
activity plans for supporting local workforces.
  M2) The organization shall provide evidences according to activity plans.  
  M3) The organization shall support or create job opportunity for its local community.  
Major Criteria No.4 Human resource development   
4.1 Provision of
training programs
for operation and
management staff
on environmental
training programs
/ activities created
implemented by
hotel for staff in
the past years (1-2
M1) Environmental training plan shall be documented by the
organization and announce to staffs.
  M2) Environmental training curriculum/ module of staff shall
be evaluated.
  M3) The organization shall provide records of environmental training.  
Major Criteria No.5Solid waste management system   
5.1 Introduction of
waste management
techniques e.g.
waste reduction,
reuse, recycling,
waste separation and
Waste handling
and management
training programs
/ activities
implemented in the
past years for staff.
M1) Waste management shall abide by the law or be
in accordance with relevant academic frameworks, for
example, assessment may be done through exploring records
of waste volume and provision of spaces for waste segregation etc.
  M2) The organization shall apply 3R’s principles for solid waste management.  
5.2 Encouragement of
the involvement of hotel staff in waste reduction, reuse, recycling, waste
separation and
composting program.
Programs / activities
involvement of
hotel staff in waste
handling and
management in the
past years.
M1) The organization shall conceive a project or activity
plans for encouraging good practices on waste management
in the organization, for example, waste reduction, reuse, recycling, waste segregation.
  M2) The organization shall provide evidences showing that activities are carried out according to the plans.  
5.3 Encouragement of
the involvement of
hotel client in reuse,
recycling, waste
Programs / activities
encouraging client
involvements in
waste handling,
management and
minimization in the
past years.
M1) The organization shall communicate through public
announcement or in-house activities to encourage its
customers to participate in waste management programs.
  M2) The organization shall support waste sorting activities
into different types, such as,non- recyclable-waste, recyclable waste, hazardous waste according to different waste management methods required etc. and provide the different color of recycle bins in the public area and guest room.
  M3) The organization shall have activities encouraging client to support waste management of the hotel, for example giving
the options of using recyclable/biodegradable plastics /fabric
bags to the clients

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