ASEAN Green Hotel Standard aiming responsible tourism and meaningful tourism

(TITC) – With the growth of the tourism industry around the world, the new trends of tourism direct to Responsible Tourism and Meaningful Tourism which need ‘everything Green’ and the increasing demand for ‘everything Asian’, the introduction of an ASEAN Green Hotel Standard that defines an ASEAN standard while being respectful of sustainable resources consumption has been drafted for ASEAN Standards.

The ASEAN Green Hotel Standard fosters sustainable tourism through the adoption of the Environmentally-friendly and Energy Conservation.; compiling, adapting and creating the tools and training to engage in ASEAN Green Hotel practices.

At the heart of this ASEAN Green Hotel Standard is the minimum requirement that any hotel business should aspire to reach in order to protect and sustain the ASEAN’s natural and cultural resources while ensuring tourism meets its potential as a tool for conservation and poverty alleviation.

This Standard deals with the following essential elements of professional Green Hotel operations: Environmental plan, Green product, Human Resource and environmental management.

Major Criteria and Requirements

Standards for ensuring local guide quality and expertise

Promotion of environmental activities in order to encourage the involvement of hotel staff, clients and suppliers to participate in environmental management practices.

Existence of plan for raising staff to be aware of environment i.e. training.

Existence of environmental management plan for hotel operation.

Existence of monitoring program for environmental management of hotels.

Use of green products

Encouragement for the use of local products for hotel operation i.e. food and handicrafts.

Encouragement for the use of environmentally friendly products.

Collaboration with the community local organizations

Existence of plans/activities to help improve quality of life of the community.

Existence of awareness rising programs for local community on environmental protection.
Creation of activities in promoting culture and traditional performance and local ways of life.

Creation of job opportunity for local community.

Human resource development

Provision of training programs for operation and management staff on environmental management.

Solid waste management

Introduction of waste management techniques e.g. waste reduction, reuse, recycling, waste separation and composting.

Encouragement of the involvement of hotel staff in waste reduction, reuse, recycling, waste separation and composting programme.

Encouragement of the involvement of hotel Guest in reuse, recycling, waste separation.

Energy efficiency

Introduction of energy saving techniques and / or energy saving technology and equipment for hotel to reduce energy consumption.

Installation of meters/equipment to monitor energy consumption.

Water efficiency and water quality

Introduction of water saving techniques and / or use of water saving technology and  equipment to reduce water consumption.

Regular maintenance for water saving equipment.

Encouragement of the involvement of hotel Guest in water saving.

Ensure the quality of water used in the hotel.

Air quality management (indoor and outdoor)

Designation of smoking and non-smoking area.

Regular monitoring and maintenance for equipment and hotel facilities to ensure the air quality i.e. air conditioning.

Noise pollution control

Existence of noise control program from hotel operation.

Waste water treatment and management

The use of mechanisms to prevent water contamination and reduce waste water generation.

Promotion of the use of recyclable/grey water in operation i.e. watering trees.

Encouragement for an appropriate use of wastewater treatment.

Toxic and chemical substance disposal management

Provision of clear signs for toxic substance.

Appropriate hazardous waste disposal management.

Regular inspection, cleaning and maintenance for storage in order to avoid leakage of gas or toxic chemical substance.

ASEAN Green Hotel Standard Guideline

Major CriteriaRequirements – HotelsIndication of practices /
Supporting Documents/
1. Environmental policy and actions for hotel operation1.1 Promotion of
environmental activities
in order to encourage the involvement of hotel staff, clients and suppliers to participate in environmental management practices.
List of environment activities / programs implemented in connection with the encouragement of staff / clients / suppliers to participate– Registration of participation
– Photo records of activities
–  Activity report
 1.2 Existence of plan
for raising staff to be
aware of environment
i.e. training.
Environmental awareness
rising plan(s)
 1.3 Existence of
management plan for
hotel operation.
Hotel environmental
management plan
– Proved of achievements
/ accomplishments
 1.4 Existence of
monitoring program
for environmental
management of hotels.
Measurement of programs /
activity compliments
2. Use of Green
2.1 Encouragement for
the use of local products
for hotel operation i.e.
food and handicrafts.
Purchasing criteria of local
product support and promotion
– evidence of hotel
policy that encourage the use of local products
-contract between hotel and the local community
 2.2 Encouragement
for the use of
friendly products.
Green procurement criteria
in use
Evidence of
When/ by whom these criteria were created and used evidence of activities implemented
When /where / by whom they were held
3 .Collaboration with the community and
local organizations
3.1 Existence of plans/
activities to help improve
quality of life of the
List of community quality of
life improvement
 3.2 Existence of
awareness rising
programs for local
community on
Environmental protection
awareness programs/
activities implemented
in community by hotel /
hotel staff
When / where / by whom these programs were held
4. Human
4.1 Provision of
training programs for
operation and
management staff on
management training
programs / activities
created implemented by
hotel for staff in the past
years (1-2 years)
Supporting Evidence
5. Solid waste
5.1 Introduction of
waste management
techniques e.g. waste
reduction, reuse,
recycling, waste
separation and
Waste handling and
management training
programs/ /activities
implemented in the past
years for staff
Supporting Evidence
 5.2 Encouragement of
the involvement of
hotel staff in waste
reduction, reuse,
recycling, waste
separation and
composting programme.
Programs / activities
encouraging involvement of
hotel staff in waste handling
and management in the
past years
Supporting Evidence
 5.3 Encouragement of
the involvement of
hotel Guest in reuse,
recycling, waste
Programs/ activities
encouraging guest
involvements in waste
handling, management and
minimization in the past
Supporting Evidence
6. Energy
6.1 Introduction of
energy saving
techniques and / or
energy saving
technology and
equipment for hotel to
reduce energy
Installation and use of
energy efficient
technologies and
techniques in hotel in the
past years.
– Supporting Evidence
– Photo/documents/in
vestment reports
– Registration of
 6.2 Installation of
meters/equipment to
monitor energy
Installation of power and
energy consumption
metering technologies
– investment report/
photos/ documents
– energy reports checks
6.3 Encouragement of the involvement of
hotel Guest in energy saving
Invitation and
encouragement messages to promote hotel guest in energy efficiency in hotel
– supporting evidences
– checks
7. Water
efficiency and
water quality
7.1 Introduction of
water saving techniques
and / or use of water
saving technology and
equipment to reduce
water consumption.
Installation and use of water efficient technologies and practices in hotel in the past years.Supporting evidences
 7.2 Regular
maintenance for water
saving equipment.
Maintenance reports of
engineering team on water
efficient technologies.
– Supporting evidences
– Photos/comparative cost saving achievement
 7.3 Encouragement of
the involvement of
hotel Guest in water
Promotional media/
practices for hotel guests
on water efficiency
– Supporting evidences
 7.4 Ensure the quality
of water used in the
water quality testing– test result
8. Air quality
(indoor and
8.1 Designation of
smoking and non
smoking area.
Photo of smoking and non
smoking areas designated
in hotel
– Checks
– Supporting evidences
 8.2 Regular monitoring
and maintenance for
equipment and hotel
facilities to ensure the air quality i.e. air
Maintenance report of air
technologies to ensure
good air quality in hotel
– supporting evidences
9. Noise
pollution control
9.1 Existence of noise
control program from
hotel operation.
Program activities
implemented in hotel to
ensure noise control in
supporting evidences
10. Waste water
treatment and
(water quality)
10.1 The use of
mechanisms to prevent
water contamination
and reduce waste
water generation.
Program implementation on
minimization of water
contamination and pollution
prevention in hotel in the
past years
supporting evidences
 10.2 Promotion of the
use of recyclable/grey
water in operation i.e.
watering trees.
Proves of hotel’s promotion
to reuse water and use of
treated water in hotel
supporting evidences
10.3 Encouragement
for an appropriate use of wastewater
Implementation of waste
water treatment in hotel
– supporting evidences
(photos, regular
monitoring reports,
manual, certification,
procurement receipt)
– checks
11. Toxic and
chemical substance
disposal management
11.1 Provision of clear
signs for toxic
Clear and understandable
indications of storage and
use of chemicals in hotel
– supporting evident
– photos regular checking of the hotel
– inspection report
– checks
 11.2 Appropriate
hazardous waste
disposal management.
Hazardous waste handling
and disposal practices in
hotel-training of staffs on
the hazardous waste
management handling
– reports/EIA/Proves
– checks
– manual

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